Seashore Chapel

architectural office Vector Architects
project Seashore Chapel, Beidaihe New District, Quinhuangdao, China

We imagine the Seashore Chapel as an old boat, drifting on the ocean a long time ago. The ocean receded through time and left an empty structure behind, a structure which is still lying on the beach. Space is thus divided vertically. The covered outdoor space naturally becomes a resting place for people on the beach. It is also an area that connects religious space to the mundane life. When the tide rises, this space will be submerged by water. At that moment, the imagery of the drifting boat emerges out of the chapel.
The atmosphere on the upper floor is intensely divine and religious. The spatial experience begins on the 30-meter long path leading to the chapel. As people gradually approach, the cue emerges indicating the suspending space on the other side through the 600mm wide gap in the middle of the grand staircases. With a glimpse of the ocean in the distance, they walk up the stairs, go through the gate, and make a turn around the screen wall into space with an open ocean view. The relationship between space and the ocean is closer due to the elevated position. The view is isolated from the beach and people, leaving the outstretched ocean the only thing in sight.